Galloway Woodturners
2019 Chairman’s Annual Report
This past year has been another good one for us, with membership still strong, and good attendances at not only club nights but also on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
Again we had 5 professional turners visit us, and sufficient members came to the demonstrations and masterclasses that we mainly broke even (once the raffle was included) for most of them.
Professional demonstration and masterclass by Eugene Grimley, Peter Osborn, Rick Dobney, and Phil Irons plus a demonstration by Colwin Way.
The remaining club nights saw demonstrations by our own members, and Chris Pouncey/Robert Sorby’s mobile shop.
We continue to offer the Beginner’s course and workshops to members and this brings in some funds and also increases our member’s confidence and ability.
Over the last 12 months we have had a Better Bowls course last October, Beginners course February and another June, a couple of taster sessions, Sharpening and Greenwood turning, Spinning Tops Tuesday, Skew for the squeamish in July, and others?
We had a team promoting our craft and had a display of work at the Co-op, and we again demonstrated and sold items at Kirkcudbright country fair.
Our equipment has been kept up to date and upgraded with the addition of two new lathes, new chucks, drive and live centres, face shields and sawdust extraction, making our turning more pleasurable and safer. At least £3,400 of tools went via my credit card (thankfully reimbursed by our treasurer). This was only possible through work of members donating items for sale, coffee time donations, Hugh’s football card thing, and the generous donations from Tesco and the Coop.
We have kept on top of Health and Safety, notably the dust extraction, the vacuum cleaner, keeping the first aid bok up to date and better training and authorisation of use of the bandsaw.
The wood prep team continue to acquire wood and process it, and also set up for the next demonstrator, and clean the workshop etc.
The Harrogate ‘ pilgrimage’ was well organised, well attended much enjoyed by everyone, and will be again this year.
Our own club competition receives relatively few entries (despite big prizes awarded to the winners) but the standard is very high. It would be nice to have more entries.
Summing up, our membership, finances, equipment and training are all in very good health, so thank you to all members who have been part of this great year of woodturning 2019.
Rolf Buwert
Click here for the Treasurer’s report and accounts. GWTaccounts18-19