2018 AGM, Chairman’s Report

The last year has seen a continuing maintenance both in interest and membership in the club. The courses and workshops have proved very popular and have also helped with our finances.

 The programme over the last year has been varied with plenty of interest being shown in the techniques being demonstrated. It would be good to have some feedback as to what members would like to see as this would help the committee to put together a varied programme for next year.

 Our mid week turning evenings and the Wednesday afternoon sessions are still proving very popular with good core of members participating.

 This year has seen us hosting 4 Professional Turning Demonstrations: Eugene Grimley, Margaret Garrard, Emma Cook and Joey Richardson with master classes by Eugene, and Margaret.

 A good range of types of turners and turning and those who attended the demonstrations were very appreciative and I think a great deal was learned.

 Our next demonstration, next Sunday, is a return visit from Mike Hanbury – Tickets available tonight.

 The workshop continues to be updated and we are now looking at improving the dust extraction system. However, this will cost quite a bit, so to help with this we have applied for two grants (outcomes still awaited) and also members have done quite a bit of fundraising – thank you to all who have helped particularly to Jimmy Brown.

With Jimmy in mind the club shop continues to do a brisk trade and is a large contributor to our finances.

This year at our AGM both David Simpson and myself are standing down as Secretary and Chair, fortunately volunteers have been forthcoming.

Finally, I would like to thank all those who in any way have helped with the smooth running of the club over the last twelve months, particularly the committee who have supported both myself and the club so ably their help and advice which has been greatly appreciated.

 Roger Cutler

Chair, Galloway Woodturners

October 2018