Galloway Woodturners
Chairman’s Annual Report 2016/2017
Another very busy year for the club with many changes being seen not least is the refurbished workshop. My thanks to all who helped in any way with this major piece of work. We can now come to demonstrations and sit in relative comfort. Visitors to the club over the last few months have commented that we must have one of the best club workshops in the country.
Our membership over the year has remained relatively stable however we still see people dropping away especially after finishing a beginners course.
The programme over the last year has been varied with plenty of interest being shown in the techniques being demonstrated. It would be good to have some feedback as to what members would like to see as this would help the committee to put together a varied programme for next year.
Our Professional Demonstrations have been received well form those who attended, however numbers at these events have not been great!
We have had 5 Professional demonstrations, Nikos Siragas, Dave lowe, Andrew Hall, Sally Burnett and Eugene Grimley. With follow Master Classes from Nikos and Andrew.
Next year we have 4 demonstrators booked, Eugene Grimley (back by demand) Margaret Garrard, Emma Cook and Joey Richardson. With follow master classes by Eugene Grimley and Margaret Garrard.
Let’s hope that attendance at these demonstrations will be better than last year.
The club is looking at strengthening our ties with the AWGB to this end the AWGB are to run a course for demonstators at our workshop. Dates for this are to be decided as they need to get at least 3 people interested in taking the course, adverts have gone out in last months “Revolutions” magazine. If you would like to know anything about this course please ask.
The renovation of the workshop has led to our finances being stretched at times during the year but with some prudent fund raising we have managed to keep our heads above water. Many thanks to all those who helped in our fund raising efforts.
Phil Jones has finally managed to step down as Treasurer and we thank him for all the time and efforts he has put into the job over the last six? Years. We welcome Christine Carson who has volunteered to become our new treasurer.
The shop is doing very well under the supervision of Jimmy Brown and we are looking at the moment at constructing a shop area rather that the cupboards we have at present. I would encourage members to use the shop as much as possible as it does help the club funds as well as providing a source of discounted items. I know Jimmy is looking at having a shop area on our web site – look out for that development.
Finally, I would like to thank all those who in any way have helped with the smooth running of the club over the last twelve months, particularly the committee who have supported both myself and the club so ably.