Club Competition September 2024

The points situation after the September meeting:

Mature category:

Ken Power (30), Bryan Jardine (23), Finlay Mitchell (21), Colin Marshall (14), Ken Coates (11), Phil Jones (10), Arthur Young (7), Rolf Buwert (6), Stephen Eccles (4), John Brown (3), David Simpson (2), Tom Florey (1).

Novice category:

Paul Smart (35), Sarah Burns (27), Simon Madle (9), Mark Roberts (9).

The scoring system awards 6 points for 1st position, 5 for 2nd, 4 for 3rd. All other entries, including those with no votes, receive 1 point.

Reminder – Demonstration by Margaret Garrard RPT this weekend Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th September 2024

Can I remind all members (and the Saturday is also open to visitors) that the amazing Margaret Garrard (Registered Professional Turner) will be holding a full day demonstration, 10am to 4pm, on Saturday 8th September, there are still a few tickets available at £25 – which includes lunch.

Margaret will also hold A Days Tuition with Margaret Garrard  from 10 am to 4pm on the Sunday, 9th September, tickets £50 for the whole day, which also includes lunch. Two places are still available for this most excellent opportunity to spend a day with one of the finest woodturners in Britain.


Notice of the AGM 8th October 2024

Notice is hereby given of our AGM on Tuesday 8th October 2024, at 7pm, at Galloway Woodturners workshop.

In accordance with the constitution (see link below) the post of chairman is for a one year period, with the chairman open to reelection. As I have previously intimated I will resign at this AGM and will not seek reelection. A new chairman will need to be found, and election held if several people are nominated/ proposed/ volunteer.


The AGM will be followed by a short demonstration by Rolf Buwert.

Professional Demonstrator’s visit – Margaret Garrard 7th and 8th September 2024

We are very excited to be able to bring you Margaret Garrard RPT from North Yorkshire, one of the UK’s finest Woodturning artists. As the winner of several prestigious awards and scholarships she brings a great deal of experience and knowledge that she has gained from other members of The Worshipful Company of Woodturners and is going to share with us over the weekend.

Saturday 7th September Margaret will be holding an all day demonstration 10am to 4pm at our workshop just outside Castle Douglas, tickets ae £25 for the whole day and includes a light lunch.

The following day she will be holding a masterclass for a maximum of 5 people (you don’t need to be a ‘master’ just have a reasonabe grasp of woodturning. Margaret is the master and will educate, enthuse, support and encourage you to bring your ability to an other level). Tickets are £50 for the whole day, and also includes a light lunch.

Contact Sarah, our Secretary: Sarah Burns ( ) for tickets

or our Chair: Rolf Buwert ( )


Professional Demonstrator and Masterclass 17 and 18 August

We are extremely fortunate to have Mick Hanbury come to Galloway Woodturners on

Saturday 17th August for an all day demonstration


Sunday 18th August for an all day masterclass

Mick is a professional turner, and one of the finest artistic turners in the world. The son of a soldier he has travelled the world and picked up inspiration and learning mainly from Germany. Starting as a cabinetmaker he has now been turning for the past 25 years. 

He has demonstrated in the UK Ireland, Germany and the USA and Mick used to be the resident tutor at Doncaster College teaching mature students. Mick now teaches his specialised woodturning and embellishing techniques in his workshop in Lincolnshire, as well as at Turners Retreat in Nottinghamshire.

The Saturday demonstration is 10am to 4pm, costs £25 and includes tea/coffee and even lunch. As a UK and world famous turner this is going to be a most excellent demonstration so don’t miss out, get your ticket asap.

Sunday 18th Mick will hold a masterclass (10am to 4pm and £50 for the whole day), and a lucky few will benefit from his expert teaching. Mick is the master, you only need to be competent and willing to learn and develop as a turner, so anyone with more than 12 months turning experience should consider seizing the chance to participate in this masterclass.

See Jimmy ( ) or Sarah ( ) for tickets.

For more information on Mick Hanbury visit his web site –

Club Competition 2024 June Entries

(A Bowl with Colour)


Mature category


Ken Power (winner)


Stephen Eccles


Rolf Buwert


Arthur Young


Bryan Jardine


Finlay Mitchell


Ken Coates



Novice category


Paul Smart (winner)


Sarah Burns





Mature category


Ken Power (winner)


Stephen Eccles


Rolf Buwert


Arthur Young


Bryan Jardine


Finlay Mitchell


Ken Coates



Novice category


Paul Smart (winner)


Sarah Burns




Wood Prep Weekend 10-11 August 2024

In an attempt to tackle the large pile of wood that’s sitting outside the club under a tarp, I will be at the workshop for a whole of wood prep.

I will have the workshop open between 10am and 4pm on both Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th of August. If you have time you are welcome to join me. Come and go any time and stay for as long or as little as you like. There will be plenty to do and you don’t need any experience with chainsaws or anything.

The main aims of the weekend are:

  • Clear the wood pile from the carpark.
  • Organise all our wood into something we can sell to members.

I think we’ll need broadly 3 groups:

  1. Logs to planks
    1. Outdoor chainsaw work, cutting larger pieces along the grain into manageable planks
  2. Planks to blanks
    1. Cutting chunks and planks of wood on the bandsaw so they’re ready for turning.
    2. Sealing them with wax to reduce the chances of splitting.
  3. Storage, pricing and presentation
    1. Working out how best to store planks outside
    2. Working out how best to store blanks inside
    3. Working out what we should be charging for different bits of wood

Look forward to seeing you there.

Phil J.

Club Competition May 2024

May’s competition item was an item of fruit. The points situation after this:

Mature category:

Ken Power (19), Bryan Jardine (17), Finlay Mitchell (16), Colin Marshall & Phil Jones (9), Arthur Young (7), Ken Coates & Rolf Buwert (5), Stephen Eccles (4), David Simpson (2), Tom Florey (1).

Novice category:

Sarah Burns (21), Paul Smart (18), Simon Madle (4).

The scoring system awards 6 points for 1st position, 5 for 2nd, 4 for 3rd. All other entries, including those with no votes, receive 1 point.

Death of a member

It is with great sadness that I have to pass the news that Mick Fenton, a long standing member died on Wednesday 10th April, after a long illness, bravely bourne. Mick was a quiet little man with a strong north east english accent, and had been a member for over 8 years.

Mick’s Funeral service will take place at Roucan Loch Crematorium, Dumfries. DG1 4JF on Friday 3rd May at 11.00 a.m. 
Family flowers only please but, if desired, donations for Kirkcudbright RNLI will be accepted at service or can be given to Osborne Funeral Directors, 4 Gas Lane, Kirkcudbright. DG6 4HX 

It has been requested that mourners wear bright colours.