
Thought I’d do a quick post to clarify what we’ll be doing this coming Sunday at the sharpening workshop.

The workshop will run between 12 and 4pm

The primary aims are:

  1. Get a core group of members competent in using a Sorby Pro-Edge
  2. Sharpen as many club tools as possible using a Pro-Edge
  3. Clearly mark all the club tools to show
    • whether they have standard grinds or not
    • whether they are to be sharpened on a Pro-Edge only

Secondary aims:

  1. Sharpen personal tools
  2. Look at honing for skews, hollowing tools or other tools
  3. Use of the grinder

Things to bring:

  1. Your own tools
  2. Spare tools to practice on
  3. Your own Pro-Edge if you have one

Before you come it might be useful to check out some online resources such as Doc Green Woodturner or some of the Pro-Edge videos on you tube such as the one from Robery Sorby.

If successful and there is sufficient demand we will look to having another workshop later in the year to cover the use of Pro-Edge alternatives such as a grinder or a Tormek.

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